Enhanced Client Conversations | Explore Black Diamond’s Reporting Flexibility Initiative

Lan Ho – 07/23/2024

Enhanced Client Conversations | Explore Black Diamond’s Reporting Flexibility Initiative

Dialogue between an advisor and client is the bedrock of a successful relationship. SS&C’s Black Diamond® Wealth Platform is committed to making those conversations clear and straightforward. Dynamic features, such as customized reporting, combined with Black Diamond development teams dedicated to enhancing your user experience, empowers you to effectively communicate your story in the way that makes the most sense for your business. Our innovative product teams are focused on enhancing our offerings, so you can better showcase your clients’ financial stories.

As a market leader, SS&C Black Diamond provides our clients and partners with an experience enabling them to thrive in the wealth management industry. By prioritizing time-saving workflows, Black Diamond leverages your creativity and makes reporting easier and more customizable than ever before, notably with the recent launch of a major Reporting Flexibility initiative, Advanced Groupings. These recent enhancements put you in control of powerful Custom Fields, the introduction of new System Fields, and the ability to build and manage your unique groupings. 

Learn how the Advanced Groupings initiative can transform your reporting capabilities for your business: 

Understanding Grouping by Custom Fields
The ability to create a Custom Field and assign tags to accounts and assets can help you organize different groups for quick visibility and filtering. We’ve built upon the strong Custom Field foundation within the platform and added enhancements to take reporting into the future.

We know staying relevant with modern wealth management trends is important. This initiative brings the reporting of Custom Fields to the account and asset levels and adds the ability to assign colors and benchmarks.

New System Fields
Our partnership with numerous custodians and data providers creates opportunities for the platform to bring on additional information for you to use in your reports. Our new System Fields are data points that can be tied to a firm’s schema or client details on the portfolio or account levels. These new fields, which enhance our already robust reporting experience, include:

  • SEC Client Type
  • Account Type
  • Account Strategy
  • Account Owner Type
  • Account Owner
  • Issue Type
  • Muni State
  • Asset Tax Status
  • Holding - Billable
  • Discretionary
  • Account Category
  • Account Sub Category


Groupings Management
Our clients can provide feedback on the platform via our Great Ideas tool, and a frequently requested feature was the ability for users to create their own groupings. We are excited to offer this tool, giving you even greater control over your reporting. You can now build, edit, and maintain groups to complete your workflows without interruption. Firms have been interested in having readily available exposure to groupings, and we are delivering that experience with the expanded Reporting Levels as a significant benefit. Now, clients can see all available Reporting Levels and oversee what can be included in a Grouping.

What Advanced Groupings Means to Us
The Advanced Groups enhancements could not have been built without the partnership that we have with our clients; this initiative involves thoughtful planning based on your feedback. At its core, the goal of this project is to enable you to work more efficiently. We are committed to continually increasing value to users of the Black Diamond platform. We are confident that these enhancements will drive creativity and enrich the Black Diamond Wealth Platform experience. Let’s see what you can create!

To learn how the SS&C Black Diamond Wealth Platform can support your unique advisory business, request your personal demo, call 1-800-727-0605, or email info@advent.com.